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Client Alert September 4, 2024
Securities Litigation 2024 Mid-Year Update
This update provides an overview of the major developments in federal and state securities litigation since our Securities Litigation 2023 Year-End Update.
Client Alert February 22, 2024
Securities Litigation 2023 Year-End Update
Our Securities Litigation Update provides an overview of the major developments in federal and state securities litigation during the last quarter of 2023.
Firm News October 13, 2023
Gibson Dunn Advised Loan Lenders and Noteholders on Cross-Border Recapitalization of Venator Materials PLC
Gibson Dunn recently advised a cross-holder group of term loan lenders and noteholders (Cross-Holder Group) on the comprehensive cross-border recapitalization of Venator Materials PLC through a prepackaged Chapter 11 process.
Client Alert September 15, 2023
Securities Litigation 2023 Mid-Year Update
Our 2023 Mid-Year Securities Litigation Update provides an overview of the notable developments in federal and state securities litigation during the first half of 2023 across a number of different areas.
Client Alert March 14, 2023
Distressed Bank Update – A New Paradigm
Gibson Dunn's lawyers present the latest updates on news about distressed banks.
Client Alert March 14, 2023
Gibson Dunn Distressed Banks Resource Center
Gibson Dunn has created a Distressed Banks Resource Center to provide resources and regular updates to our clients on recent bank failures.
Client Alert April 30, 2020
Criminal Bankruptcy Fraud: Will the COVID-19 Crisis Make It the New Prosecutorial Darling?
The COVID-19 crisis and the resulting disruption to business have adversely affected many corporate entities’ financial stability and outlook. Even rock-solid, liquid companies have been jolted into a new reality, and may be evaluating options for restructuring their business.
Client Alert April 24, 2020
When a Commercial Contract Doesn’t Have a Force Majeure Clause: Common Law Defenses to Contract Enforcement
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and stringent government orders regulating the movement and gathering of people issued in response, continues to raise concerns about parties’ abilities to comply with contractual terms across a variety of industries. As discussed previously, force majeure clauses may address parties’ obligations under such circumstances. Even without force majeure clauses, depending on the circumstances parties may seek to invalidate contracts or delay performance under the common law based on COVID-19. To assist in considering such issues, we have prepared the following overview. As the analysis of the applicability of any of the doctrines below is fact-specific and fact-intensive, this overview is intended only as a starting point. We encourage you to reach out to your Gibson Dunn contact to discuss specific questions or issues that may arise.