Gibson Dunn Pro Bono Newsletter Los Angeles Office

Asylum Secured for Guinean Refugee

On May 8, 2017, Megan Kiernan and Henry Phillips, under the supervision of Stuart Delery, successfully obtained asylum for a Guinean refugee. The refugee was arrested, imprisoned, and tortured for participating in a political protest. He escaped from prison and, fearing for his life, fled to neighboring Guinea-Bissau. From there he started a one-and-a-half year journey to the United States, traveling through South America, Central America, and Mexico, often by foot. When he arrived in the United States he immediately asked for asylum and his case was referred to Gibson Dunn through the Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights (CAIR) Coalition. The Gibson Dunn team handled his application from start to finish, culminating in argument at his merits hearing. Upon learning that the court had decided to grant his application, the refugee thanked the judge, his attorneys, and “all American people.” He is currently living in Brooklyn and is looking forward to bringing his wife and three young boys to the United States, who have been in hiding since his escape.