Rahim Moloo is a Chambers Band 1 ranked partner in the New York office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.  He is co-chair of the firm’s International Arbitration Group, which won “International Arbitration Group of the Year” from Law360 twice in the last four years, and is ranked by Chambers as among “the Elite” in the USA.  Rahim’s practice focuses on assisting clients to resolve their most complex disputes, and he regularly appears as lead counsel before tribunals and courts around the world. 

He has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal as “one of the most skilled advocates of his generation” and a “Global Elite Thought Leader”.  Earlier this year, he was awarded the Swiss Arbitration Association’s global prize for advocacy, awarded once every two years to one individual in the field in recognition of “their exceptional talents in advocacy."  He was also recently named an MVP” in international arbitration by Law360, ranked as a “Leading Lawyer” in International Arbitration by U.S. Legal 500, and ranked as a "Litigation Star" by Benchmark Litigation.

According to Chambers Global, Rahim’s “strong advocacy and strategy skills stand out.  He has the perfect demeanor for international disputes—he’s a natural diplomat.”  In the 2023 edition, Chambers Global notes that Rahim has “excellent judgment”, is “a terrific lawyer who is really polished”, is “a great advocate” and “very intelligent”, and he is “attentive to details and nuances.” Chambers USA notes that Rahim is “fantastic and a great legal mind”, an “accomplished and brilliant lawyer who is able to sift through a myriad of issues to focus on the salient one”, and able to “navigate complex problems with ease”.  His “people skills are exceptional” and he is “able to relate to experienced lawyers but also nonlawyers with ease and grace.”

Rahim’s experience spans a number of industries, including energy, mining, telecommunications, financial services, infrastructure, construction, consumer products and entertainment.  Many of the disputes on which Rahim advises involve claims brought in multiple jurisdictions where important strategic choices must be made about which forum will provide the best result with respect to different aspects of the dispute.  And legal solutions often need to be considered in light of other avenues available, such as media campaigns and negotiations between business teams, to reach a favorable result.  Rahim has experience in navigating these various options.  His prior experience as General Counsel of a multinational organization in Central Asia helps him to see things from the perspective of management and in-house lawyers operating in difficult political and legal environments.  Indeed, Rahim has advised on many disputes where a favorable result was achieved without having to commence formal dispute resolution, such as arbitration.

Concurrently, Rahim is a member of the adjunct faculty at Columbia Law School, where he teaches a course on International Arbitration.  He has lectured at several other leading law schools and conferences around the world, and published several articles on international arbitration and litigation, international investment law, and public international law, many of which have been cited in international arbitration decisions, courts around the world and leading treatises.  He recently co-authored a book on Procedural Law in International Investment Arbitration, published by Oxford University Press.  The book has been dubbed by the Secretary General of ICSID as being a “go-to guide” for Investor-State Dispute Settlement.

Rahim serves on the Board of the International Center for Transitional Justice.  He previously served on the Alumni UBC Board, as Vice-Chair of the IBA Arbitration Committee and on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law (ASIL).  He has also co-chaired ASIL’s Annual Conference.

Rahim has degrees from NYU School of Law, Queen’s University, and the University of British Columbia (UBC).  In addition, he held fellowships at the Lauterpacht Center for International Law at the University of Cambridge and Columbia University.  He was named NYU’s All-University Valedictorian for Professional and Graduate students and has received UBC’s Outstanding Young Alumnus Award.  He is a former World Public Speaking Champion and National Debating Champion.

A representative sample of Rahim’s experience includes:*

Commercial Arbitration

  • Successfully representing a multinational mining company in an LCIA arbitration relating to a multi-billion dollar pricing dispute under a supply agreement.
  • Successfully defended a large EPC contractor in a multi-billion dollar CPR arbitration relating to the construction of a refinery. All claims brought against our client were rejected.
  • Successfully represented a multinational oil and gas company in an ICC arbitration relating to a dispute over the ownership of a refinery.
  • Successfully represented a large U.S.-based energy company in an ICC arbitration, including in a Pre-Arbitral Referee proceeding in relation to a multi-hundred million dollar dispute concerning the exercise of a put right.
  • Successfully represented a technology company in an HKIAC arbitration relating to the breach of a sale and purchase agreement against a state-owned enterprise resulting in a multi-hundred million dollar award.
  • Successfully settled eight arbitrations in multiple jurisdictions on behalf of a multinational telecommunications company.
  • Successfully represented a telecommunications joint venture in an arbitration before the Lebanese Arbitration Centre relating to a fraud perpetrated by a Lebanese Bank and an Iraqi Telecom company.
  • Successfully defended a mining company in an ICC arbitration relating to alleged breaches of a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement.
  • Successfully defended an electronics company in a SIAC arbitration against a multi-hundred million dollar claim brought under a license agreement.
  • Represented an East African State in two commercial arbitrations (under the ICC Rules and the UNCITRAL Rules) arising out of a failed infrastructure project and a TV license dispute.
  • Representing a global drilling company in an ICDR arbitration relating to a dispute under a license agreement.
  • Representing a pharmaceutical company in an ICC arbitration relating to a dispute under a collaboration and joint development agreement.
  • Representing a gold mining company in an LCIA arbitration concerning the failure of a power supply company to supply power to a mine located in an African state in accordance with the terms of a PPA.
  • Representing an aluminum company in an SCC arbitration concerning the price to be paid under power purchase agreements.
  • Representing a global technology company in a SIAC arbitration in a post-M&A dispute.
  • Representing a power plant operator in a dispute with its partner in an ICC arbitration concerning a wrongly terminated power project to rehabilitate a power plant in the Middle East.
  • Representing a multinational consumer goods company in an ICDR arbitration in relation to breaches of a license agreement.
  • Sitting as an arbitrator (Chair, Sole Arbitrator, and co-arbitrator) in international arbitrations in various contractual disputes.

Investor-State Arbitration

  • ConocoPhillips v. Venezuela: Successfully represented ConocoPhillips in the quantum phase of an ICSID arbitration related to the unlawful expropriation of its multi-billion-dollar investment in Venezuela resulting in an award of over $8.5 billion.
  • Corral Morocco Holdings A.B. v. Kingdom of Morocco: Successfully representing Corral Morocco in an ICSID arbitration regarding the unfair treatment suffered by its substantial investment in an oil refinery in Morocco resulting in an award of over $250 million (including interest).
  • Antin v. Spain: Successfully represented Antin in annulment proceedings relating to Spain’s application to annul its €101 million arbitration award.
  • Trans-Global Petroleum v. Kingdom of Jordan: Successfully defended the Kingdom of Jordan in an ICSID arbitration related to a concession for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas in the Dead Sea.  The claimant withdrew all of its claims, as reflected in a consent award, shortly after the Kingdom of Jordan invoked ICSID’s summary dismissal procedure—the first-ever use of that procedure.
  • PIATCO v. Philippines and Fraport v. Philippines: Successfully defended the government of the Philippines in parallel ICC and ICSID arbitrations related to the alleged termination of a concession contract and expropriation of an international airport terminal in Manila.
  • Saint-Gobain v. Venezuela: Successfully represented Saint-Gobain, a multinational polymer products producer, in an ICSID arbitration related to the expropriation of a proppants factory.
  • Eiser v. Spain: Represented Eiser in ICSID arbitration against Spain in relation to Spain’s unfair and inequitable treatment of its investment.
  • Sea Search Armada v. Colombia: Representing Sea Search Armada in a multi-billion dollar UNCITRAL arbitration under the U.S.-Colombia FTA concerning the expropriation of Sea Search Armada’s interest in the treasure it found on the San José Galleon—sunk in 1708—the largest treasure discovery in history.
  • CC/Devas et. al. v. India (II): Representing the Mauritian Shareholders in Devas in an investment treaty arbitration relating to India’s unfair treatment of the ICC Award rendered in Devas v. Antrix, currently valued at approximately $1.4 billion.
  • Gűriş Inşaat ve Műhendislik Anonim Şirketi v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Defending the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in ICSID arbitration brought under the Saudi Arabia-Turkey Bilateral Investment Treaty.
  • Primesouth v. Iraq: Representing Primesouth in investment treaty and contract arbitrations against Iraq in relation to the unlawful termination of Primesouth’s investment relating to the refurbishment and operation of the Al-Doura power plant in Iraq.
  • A subsidiary of Liberty Mutual v. Venezuela: Representing a subsidiary of Liberty Mutual in an investment treaty arbitration relating to Venezuela’s unfair treatment of its investment.
  • Coeur Mining v. Mexico: Representing Coeur Mining in a NAFTA dispute concerning Mexico’s unfair treatment of its investment in the Palmarejo mine in Mexico.
  • A subsidiary of Kimberly-Clark v. Venezuela: Representing Kimberly-Clark subsidiaries in an investment treaty arbitration relating to Venezuela’s unfair treatment of their investment.

Transnational and Arbitration-related Litigation

  • Representing Crystallex International in litigation proceedings relating to the enforcement of its ICSID(AF) arbitration award against Venezuela of more than $1.4 billion.
  • Representing Sociedad Concesionaria Metropolitana de Salud S.A. in the enforcement of its $139 million arbitration award against WeBuild.
  • Defending an Italian energy company in litigation in New York Supreme Court related to a project in Mexico.
  • Representing an oil and gas company in its worldwide enforcement of an ICC arbitration award valued at over $600 million against an African State.
  • Representing a European investor in the enforcement of its ICSID award against a E.U. state.
  • Represented Plaintiff in claims under the Helms Burton Act in relation to the expropriation of its property in Cuba in the 1960s.
  • Multinational oil and gas majors:  Advising several oil and gas companies on a variety of transnational disputes, including with respect to gas pricing matters and breaches of concession contracts.  In most of these matters, favorable results were achieved prior to the commencement of arbitration or litigation.

Pro Bono and Community Service

  • Board of Directors, International Center for Transitional Justice.
  • Chair, His Highness the Aga Khan International Conciliation and Arbitration Board.
  • Former Executive Council member, American Society of International Law.
  • Former member of Board of Directors, University of British Columbia Alumni Board; prior Co-Chair, University of British Columbia Alumni Board of Advisors.
  • Advising one of the largest not-for-profit organizations in a potential investment treaty claim concerning the expropriation of its projects in an Asian country.
  • In Hugh Smith et al. v. the City of New York et. al., co-lead counsel for Plaintiffs in an action brought in the SDNY with respect to civil rights claims against the New York Department of Corrections.
  • Leading a team in advising a UNDP-sponsored project on the governance of transnational water bodies.
  • Advising a sub-state entity on the declaration of its maritime boundary.

*Includes matters handled by Rahim prior to joining Gibson Dunn.



  • University of British Columbia - Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
  • New York University - Master of Laws (LL.M.)
  • Queen's University - Bachelors (First Class Hons)
  • Canada - Law Society of Alberta
  • New York Bar