February 17, 2016
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Timothy Massad and the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, Jonathan Hill, in a joint statement, formally announced the long-awaited harmonization of requirements for central clearing counterparties (CCPs) between the United States and the European Union.[1] This agreement will resolve issues regarding whether the European Union will recognize US CCPs and whether the CFTC will find comparability for EU requirements for CCPs. Without this equivalency determination, US CCPs would not be able to clear over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives in Europe and EU firms would have likely stopped clearing at US CCPs to avoid significant capital penalties for using a "non-qualified" CCP. Such a result could have led to fragmentation and decreased liquidity in the derivatives markets.
When implemented, the agreement will have the effect of permitting (i) EU firms to do business with US CCPs that comply with CFTC requirements and (ii) US firms to do business with EU CCPs while complying with corresponding EU requirements. The agreement makes clear that it is only relevant to the CFTC’s requirements for derivatives clearing organizations (DCOs) and does not apply to the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s requirements for "clearing agencies," which will continue to be treated as a separate and distinct regulatory regime.
While this announced agreement is welcomed relief to market participants to help ensure a level playing field between the United States and European Union, the agreement must still be formalized through each respective jurisdiction’s equivalency and comparability determination processes. Both Chairman Massad and Commissioner Hill noted that there will be concurrent processes that "will be put into place as soon as practicable."[2] Because the first phase of clearing obligations for certain interest rate derivatives under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is set to take legal effect on June 21, 2016, the European Commission Services[3] and the CFTC noted their anticipation that CFTC registered CCPs will be in a position to be recognized by that date.[4]
Prior to the announcement, market participants in the United States and the European Union cited to significant hardships to business and commerce should regulations divide CCP services. Disparities in regulation had the potential to fracture the marketplace as many EU firms would likely have decided to stop clearing at US CCPs to avoid significant increased costs and to protect against legal and regulatory uncertainty and operational risk, and US customers would likely have faced reduced counterparty selection. This fragmentation had the potential to lead to less competition, increased costs, and serious liquidity concerns. In addition, many market participants, as well as the regulators,[5] noted the significant possibility of regulatory arbitrage (e.g., with respect to initial margin and capital), which would further increase costs and impact markets.
The European process to implement the agreement is a multi-step endeavor. First, the European Commission must propose an equivalence decision with respect to US CCPs and Member State authorities must vote on the proposal in the Europeans Securities Committee. Once the equivalence decision is adopted, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) can recognize US CCPs serving EU firms. In particular the Joint Statement noted that an equivalence decision will examine US CCPs’ internal rules and procedures to ensure:
The Joint Statement also explains that these conditions will not apply to US agricultural commodity derivatives traded and cleared domestically within the US.[7] This is effectively a carve-out that says that EMIR standards do not apply to the clearing of US agricultural commodity derivatives.
Once ESMA recognizes a US CCP, such US CCP may continue to provide services in the EU by complying with CFTC requirements. Further such recognition will cause the US CCP to be a qualifying CCP for the purposes of the EU Capital Requirements Regulation.
The US process requires that the CFTC staff propose a determination of comparability for EU CCP requirements, so that EU CCPs serving US clients may continue to operate in compliance by observing EU regulations. It remains unclear whether or not there will be a comment period. Chairman Massad helpfully noted that he believed that there was ample basis to find equivalency.[8] However, it should be noted that the Joint Statement says that the CFTC staff proposed determination will conclude that "a majority of EU requirements are comparable to CFTC requirements" which begs the question "which requirements are not comparable?" In addition to formal recognition of substituted compliance, the CFTC has also announced that it intends to streamline the US registration process for EU CCPs. This is important as, an EU CCP that wishes to offer its services to US customers must be dually-registered with the CFTC as a DCO (or agree to some other arrangement (e.g., an exemption) with the CFTC).
Some related issues addressed in the Joint Statement include:
[1] Joint Statement, The United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the European Commission: Common approach for transatlantic CCPs (Feb. 10, 2016), available at http://ec.europa.eu/finance/financial-markets/docs/derivatives/20160210-eu-cftc-joint-statement_en.pdf [hereinafter the "Joint Statement"].
[3] The European Commission Services is the umbrella term for various groups within the European Commission, one of which includes Legal Services. See the list of European Commission Services here: http://ec.europa.eu/about/ds_en.htm.
[6] These conditions represent certain standards for EU CCPs. Accordingly, this means that the US CCPs must have in their rulebooks policies and procedures to address these three EMIR standards. These are some of the conditions that ESMA will be looking for when reviewing whether the US CCP is equivalent.
[8] Hearing, US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, Review of the CFTC 2016 Agenda (Feb. 10, 2016), available at http://agriculture.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3137.
[12] Hearing, US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, Review of the CFTC 2016 Agenda (Feb. 10, 2016), available at http://agriculture.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3137.
The following Gibson Dunn lawyers assisted in preparing this client alert: Arthur S. Long, Michael D. Bopp, Jeffrey L. Steiner and James O. Springer.
Gibson Dunn’s Financial Institutions Practice Group lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact any member of the Gibson Dunn team, the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, or the following:
Michael D. Bopp – Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8256, [email protected])
Arthur S. Long – New York (+1 212-351-2426, [email protected])
Jeffrey L. Steiner - Washington, D.C. (+1 202-887-3632, [email protected])
Peter Alexiadis – Brussels (+32 2 554 72 00, [email protected])
Amy Kennedy – London (+44 (0) 20 7071 4283, [email protected])
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