November 14, 2017
This alert examines the derivatives policy recommendations set forth in the U.S. Department of Treasury’s (“Treasury”) report titled A Financial System That Creates Economic Opportunities: Capital Markets[1] (the “Report” or the “Capital Markets Report”), which Treasury released on October 6, 2017. The Capital Markets Report is the second in a series of reports that Treasury has released or is expected to release in accordance with President Trump’s February 3, 2017, Executive Order on Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System[2] (the “Order”).
The Report is particularly relevant to derivatives market participants because it reflects the Trump Administration’s policies on Federal regulation and oversight of derivatives-related activities, bank capital standards, the regulation and supervision of financial market utilities, international aspects of the capital markets’ regulations, and various administrative matters relating to agency rulemaking processes. Although Treasury’s policy recommendations will not result in wholesale reforms in the immediate term, the Report urges Congress to consider certain legislative proposals and empowers financial regulators to begin the rulemaking process to amend existing regulations with the goal of reducing burdensome compliance obligations.
Section I of this alert provides background on the Capital Markets Report. Section II discusses key takeaways from the Report that we believe are most pertinent to our clients. Section III reviews the Report’s policy recommendations related to derivatives markets. The alert concludes with Section IV, reiterating themes and takeaways from the Report’s recommendations. Although the Report also includes several other capital markets recommendations that focus on regulatory issues beyond derivatives reform, those recommendations are outside the scope of this alert.
Under the Order, the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to consult with member agencies of the Financial Stability Oversight Council and to report on how existing laws, regulations, and other Government policies promote, support, or inhibit the seven core principles outlined in the Order.[3] The Order has signaled to financial regulators that the Trump Administration wants a reappraisal of a number of Obama-era regulations imposed on financial institutions and derivatives end users.
To meet its directive under the Order, Treasury has organized its recommendations into a series of reports. The first report, on banks and credit unions, was released on June 12, 2017. The second report, and the focus of this alert, was released on October 6, 2017. Treasury released a report on asset management and insurance companies on October 26, 2017. Treasury is expected to release a fourth report on non-banks, financial technology, and cybersecurity in financial markets sometime in the first quarter of 2018.
The Capital Markets Report serves as an agenda for many of the issues that the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”, together with the SEC, the “Commissions”) are expected to address in the coming years. The content of the Report, the range of topics discussed, and the level of detail in the Report’s recommendations demonstrate Treasury’s close collaboration with the Commissions and engagement with industry stakeholders.[4] Indeed, the Chairmen of both Commissions indicated that staff from their respective agencies engaged with Treasury in preparing the Report. SEC Chairman Jay Clayton expressed appreciation for “Treasury’s willingness to seek the SEC’s input during the drafting process[,]” and that the Report “will be of immediate and lasting value.”[5] Similarly, CFTC Chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo indicated that the CFTC “was actively engaged with Treasury in the preparation of this [R]eport,” and that the CFTC was “pleased to see our perspective incorporated in the final product.”[6] He further stated that “if implemented, the recommendations provided within this [R]eport will help foster financially sound markets in a way that encourages broad-based economic growth and American prosperity and respects the American taxpayer.”[7]
We believe that there are four key takeaways from the Capital Markets Report of which derivatives market participants should be cognizant. First, the Capital Markets Report outlines an ambitious agenda for the Commissions with a focus on streamlining and harmonizing regulations to lower costs for market participants, promoting capital formation, keeping U.S. markets competitive, and fostering economic growth. In the near term, we anticipate that the CFTC may quickly propose rulemakings in the spirit of the Report’s recommendations. In fact, there has already been momentum in that regard. The CFTC has taken steps towards modernizing existing rules, regulations, and practices through soliciting comments as part of Project KISS,[8] and improving reporting rules for products and swap data responsibilities through its reform efforts.[9] These proposals and efforts to modernize existing rules, regulations, and practices, however, will take some time to be finalized and implemented by the industry. In contrast, the SEC has not been as focused on Title VII reforms given the volume of additional non-derivatives related recommendations for the SEC to consider. It is unclear therefore how quickly the SEC will focus on derivatives reforms.
Second, we anticipate that the Commissions will begin more fully addressing some of the rulemaking procedural criticisms raised in the Report, such as the recommendation that the Commissions perform more robust cost-benefit and economic analyses for their rulemakings and the recommendation to rely less heavily on staff action. With respect to cost-benefit and economic analyses, we have observed that the CFTC has recently taken steps to address this criticism. The CFTC’s Chief Economist, Bruce Tuckman—who was appointed to the position last August—stated that he looked forward to working with Chairman Giancarlo on “increasingly guiding CFTC rule-making and risk monitoring with cutting-edge economic analysis and empirical work.”[10] Chairman Giancarlo has spoken publicly about the need for the CFTC to apply “rigorous cost benefit analysis” in its rulemaking,[11] and recently requested additional funds from Congress for fiscal year 2018 so the Commission can “enhance economic cost benefit analysis capabilities.”[12] With respect to the Commissions’ reliance on staff action, the Chairmen of the Commissions have made public statements to the effect that the agencies will work more collaboratively with the industry during the rulemaking consultation process and rely less heavily on the issuance of staff no-action letters and interpretations. Indeed, Chairman Giancarlo has emphasized the need to ensure that market participants and affected parties do not experience significant implementation issues when complying with the CFTC’s rulemakings.[13]
Third, market participants should expect the Commissions to engage in efforts to harmonize their derivatives regulations and to cooperate with international regulators. With respect to the rulesets of the two agencies, the Report clearly favors domestic harmonization over merging the Commissions. With respect to international cooperation, the Commissions already have engaged in two examples following the issuance of the Report. The first example is the SEC’s adoption of measures to facilitate the cross-border implementation of the European Union’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (“MiFID II”) research provisions.[14] The second example, discussed below in Section III(2) of this alert, is the CFTC’s two recent actions on harmonization with the European Commission (“EC”).[15]
Fourth and finally, market participants should expect Congress to consider legislative proposals that would, if adopted, result in targeted amendments to Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) in order to address some of its more over-bearing provisions. While most of Treasury’s recommendations call for regulatory action, there are certain areas in the Report where Treasury acknowledges the need for Congress to take action, in particular with respect to the definition of “financial entity” as well as harmonizing rulemaking among agencies. Because Congress currently is focused on legislative matters such as tax reform, health care, and infrastructure, the timing and vehicles for implementing the Report’s legislative recommendations remain unclear.
The Capital Markets Report makes ninety-one recommendations in nine topic areas.[16] The derivatives-related topic areas include: (1) derivatives legislative recommendations; (2) derivatives regulatory recommendations; (3) bank capital and margin; (4) financial market utilities; and (5) administrative matters (i.e., regulatory structure and process). Across those topic areas, we discuss below the most important recommendations to derivatives market participants and derivatives market reform.
In its preparation of the Capital Markets Report, Treasury generally expressed widespread support for the broad derivatives regulatory changes enacted under Title VII of Dodd-Frank. The Report recommends, however, three legislative amendments relating to the derivatives title of Dodd-Frank.
Most of Treasury’s recommendations are regulatory in nature and come under the rulemaking authority of the Commissions. Following Treasury’s release of the Report, the CFTC issued a comprehensive statement explaining what it views as the Report’s key recommendations on derivatives.[17] The CFTC’s statement emphasizes recommendations on capital treatment in support of central clearing; swap execution facilities; the SEC-CFTC merger debate; SEC-CFTC harmonization; cross-border issues; economic analysis; swap data reporting; and central counterparties’ (“CCPs”) “skin in the game.” We highlight seven of the most significant regulatory recommendations on derivatives below.
U.S. banking agencies and the CFTC finalized their respective margin rules for the uncleared swaps and bank-affiliated swap dealers in November 2015 and nonbank swap dealers in January 2016. The Report recommends that U.S. regulators take steps to harmonize their margin requirements for uncleared swaps domestically and cooperate with non-U.S. jurisdictions to promote a level playing field for U.S. firms. Treasury’s recommendations of particular importance to derivatives market participants are highlighted below.
CCPs, trade repositories, and exchanges are an essential part of the Dodd-Frank derivatives market infrastructure. The Report states these financial market utilities (“FMUs”) are critical financial infrastructures that are also highly interconnected with other U.S. financial institutions and, therefore, pose a threat of systemic risk.
The Report makes a number of recommendations that are focused on the administrative procedures followed by the Commissions rather than on specific substantive requirements. Each of the key recommendations in this regard are discussed below.
Each of the derivatives-related recommendations in the Capital Markets Report conform with the Order’s seven core principles, which essentially seek to foster U.S. economic growth through right-sizing regulatory obligations. To reach this goal, Treasury urges regulatory agencies and Congress to focus on streamlining and harmonizing regulations, something we anticipate the Commissions—whose input was incorporated into the Report—will address by making procedural changes to rulemaking and working more closely with each other and international regulators. Legislative amendments to some provisions of Title VII of Dodd-Frank should also be expected. Ultimately, Treasury’s proposed agenda will take a significant amount of time to develop and implement, so the impact of these recommendations likely will not be felt by market participants in the near term.
[1] U.S. Dep’t of the Treas., A Financial System That Creates Economic Opportunities: Capital Markets (2017), available at
[2] Exec. Order No. 13,772, 82 Fed. Reg. 9965 (Feb. 8, 2017).
[3] The seven core principles in the Order are:
(a) empower Americans to make independent financial decisions and informed choices in the marketplace, save for retirement, and build individual wealth;
(b) prevent taxpayer-funded bailouts;
(c) foster economic growth and vibrant financial markets through more rigorous regulatory impact analysis that addresses systemic risk and market failures, such as moral hazard and information asymmetry;
(d) enable American companies to be competitive with foreign firms in domestic and foreign markets;
(e) advance American interests in international financial regulatory negotiations and meetings;
(f) make regulation efficient, effective, and appropriately tailored; and
(g) restore public accountability within Federal financial regulatory agencies and rationalize the Federal financial regulatory framework.
For further information, see our Client Alert, President Trump Issues Executive Order on Financial Regulation, and Memorandum on Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule (Feb. 6, 2017), available at–DOL-Fiduciary-Rule.aspx.
[4] In addition to collaborating with the Commissions, Appendix A to the Report contains a list of market participants, think tanks, trade groups, regulators, consumer advocates, and academics that engaged with Treasury in preparing the recommendations in the Report.
[5] Statement attributed to Chairman Jay Clayton (Oct. 6, 2017) (on file with U.S. Sec. & Exch. Comm’n).
[6] U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, Statement of Chairman Giancarlo on Treasury Report on Capital Markets (Oct. 6, 2017), available at
[8] Project KISS is the CFTC’s initiative to seek public input on simplifying and modifying the CFTC’s rules. In particular, the CFTC requested comments on five key initiatives: (1) Registration; (2) Reporting; (3) Clearing; (4) Executing; and (5) Miscellaneous. The comment period for providing comments on these initiatives closed on September 30, 2017. See U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, CFTC Requests Public Input on Simplifying Rules (May 3, 2017), available at
[9] See Section III(2) Swap Data Reporting Reform.
[10] U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, Chairman Giancarlo Appoints Bruce Tuckman CFTC’s Chief Economist (Aug. 21, 2017), available at
[11] See, e.g., U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, Remarks of CFTC Commissioner J. Christopher Giancarlo before the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Nov. 20, 2014), available at
[12] U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, Testimony of J. Christopher Giancarlo, Acting Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (June 27, 2017), available at
[13] U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, Testimony of J. Christopher Giancarlo, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, before the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture (Oct. 11, 2017), available at
[14] U.S. Securities and Exchange Comm’n, SEC Announces Measures to Facilitate Cross-Border Implementation of the European Union’s MiFID II’s Research Provisions (Oct. 26, 2017), available at
[15] For further information, see our Client Alert, Ready? Set? Harmonize: The CFTC and EC Announce Two Actions to Harmonize Their Derivatives Regulations ( Oct. 27, 2017), available at
[16] Appendix B of the Report contains a table of recommendations outlining in detail each recommendation, the branch or regulator responsible for the related policy, and the core principle that applies.
[17] U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, CFTC Backgrounder on the Department of Treasury’s Report on Capital Markets, available at
[18] U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n, CFTC Issues Order Extending Current Swap Dealer De Minimis Threshold to December 2019 (Oct. 26, 2017), available at
[19] For further information, see our Client Alert, Ready? Set? Harmonize: The CFTC and EC Announce Two Actions to Harmonize Their Derivatives Regulations ( Oct. 27, 2017), available at
[21] Swap dealers that are subject to the U.S. prudential regulators’ uncleared margin rules, however, are not covered by the Uncleared Margin Determinations and, as a result, are unable to rely on this substituted compliance relief.
[22] See CFTC, Final Rule, Core Principles and Other Requirements for Swap Execution Facilities, 78 Fed. Reg. 33476 (June 4, 2013).
[23] For further information, see our Client Alert, Ready? Set? Harmonize: The CFTC and EC Announce Two Actions to Harmonize Their Derivatives Regulations (Oct. 27, 2017), available at
Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact any member of the Gibson Dunn team, the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work in the firm’s Financial Institutions practice group, or the following:
Michael D. Bopp – Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8256, [email protected])
Arthur S. Long – New York (+1 212-351-2426, [email protected])
Stephanie L. Brooker – Washington, D.C. (+1 202-887-3502, [email protected])
Amy Kennedy – London (+44 (0)20 7071 4283, [email protected])
Carl E. Kennedy – New York (+1 212-351-3951, [email protected])
Jeffrey L. Steiner – Washington, D.C. (+1 202-887-3632, [email protected])
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