Executive Order Tracker

Client Alert  |  February 10, 2025

Gibson Dunn understands that the flurry of executive orders and other announcements from the White House during President Trump’s opening days is difficult to follow. To assist, we have taken on the assignment of cataloging and digesting each order as it is announced.

Below, you will find a searchable and filterable list that includes the executive orders and other significant announcements made to date. The list provides a summary of each order and announcement, along with information on the agencies involved and the subject matters covered. It also includes links to in-depth analyses Gibson Dunn has undertaken on a number of the executive orders. The list will be updated promptly upon the issuance of new announcements and orders. If you have any questions about any of the executive orders, please do not hesitate to reach out.

For additional insights, please visit our resource center, Presidential Transition: Legal Perspectives and Industry Trends.

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