Webcast: Bank Secrecy Act / Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Enforcement and Compliance Update
Webcasts | February 28, 2023
Please join us for a discussion about the latest developments and trends in U.S. and international anti-money laundering (AML) and sanctions laws, regulations, and enforcement. In particular, we cover recent updates related to BSA/AML and sanctions rulemaking, legislation, and enforcement actions, and we discuss key areas of focus for enforcers, including digital assets, financial transactions involving Russia, proposed expansions of the BSA/AML regulatory regime, fintech partnerships, online marketplaces, ransomware, and emerging payment models. We also discuss compliance expectations and best practices, and what to expect for BSA/AML and sanctions in 2023 and beyond.
F. Joseph Warin is chair of the 250-person Litigation Department of Gibson Dunn’s Washington, D.C. office, and he is co-chair of the firm’s global White Collar Defense and Investigations Practice Group. Mr. Warin’s practice includes representation of corporations in complex civil litigation, white collar crime, and regulatory and securities enforcement – including Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigations, False Claims Act cases, special committee representations, compliance counseling and class action civil litigation. His clients include corporations, officers, directors and professionals in regulatory, investigative and trials involving federal regulatory inquiries, criminal investigations and cross-border inquiries by dozens of international enforcers.
Stephanie L. Brooker is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. She is Co-Chair of the firm’s Global White Collar Defense and Investigations, Financial Institutions, and Anti-Money Laundering Practice Groups. She is a former federal prosecutor and the former Director of the Enforcement Division at the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). As a prosecutor, Ms. Brooker investigated and prosecuted a broad range of white collar and other federal criminal matters, briefed and argued criminal appeals, and served as the Chief of the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Ms. Brooker’s practice focuses on internal investigations, regulatory enforcement defense, white-collar criminal defense, and compliance counseling. She handles a wide range of white collar matters, including representing financial institutions, multi-national companies, and individuals in connection with criminal, regulatory, and civil enforcement actions involving sanctions; anti-corruption; anti-money laundering (AML)/Bank Secrecy Act (BSA); digital assets and fintech; securities, tax, and wire fraud, foreign influence; sensitive employee issues; and other legal issues. She routinely handles complex cross-border investigations. Ms. Brooker’s practice also includes BSA/AML and FCPA compliance counseling and deal due diligence and significant criminal and civil asset forfeiture matters.
M. Kendall Day is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, where he is co-chair of Gibson Dunn’s Financial Institutions Practice Group, co-leads the firm’s Anti-Money Laundering practice, and is a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations Practice Group. His practice focuses on internal investigations, regulatory enforcement defense, white-collar criminal defense, and compliance counseling. He represents financial institutions; fintech, crypto-currency, and multi-national companies; and individuals in connection with criminal, regulatory, and civil enforcement actions involving anti-money laundering (AML)/Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), sanctions, FCPA and other anti-corruption, securities, tax, wire and mail fraud, unlicensed money transmitter, false claims act, and sensitive employee matters.
Adam M. Smith is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. He is an experienced international lawyer with a focus on international trade compliance and white collar investigations, including with respect to federal and state economic sanctions enforcement, CFIUS, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, embargoes, and export controls. Mr. Smith previously served in the Obama Administration as the Senior Advisor to the Director of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and as the Director for Multilateral Affairs on the National Security Council.
Ella Alves Capone is Of Counsel in the Washington, D.C. office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. She is a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations, Global Financial Regulatory, and Anti-Money Laundering practice groups. Ms. Capone’s practice focuses on advising multinational corporations and financial institutions on Bank Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering (BSA/AML), anti-corruption, sanctions, securities, and payments regulatory and enforcement matters. She has particularly extensive experience advising major banks, casinos, social media and gaming platforms, marketplaces, fintechs, payment service providers, and cryptocurrency businesses on regulatory compliance.
Chris Jones is a senior associate in the Los Angeles office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher and a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations and Anti-Money Laundering practice groups. Mr. Jones has experience representing clients in a wide range of anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, litigation, sanctions, securities, and tax matters. He has represented various corporations, including a number of financial technology and cryptocurrency companies, in investigations by the DOJ, SEC, FinCEN, and OFAC.
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