Thirteen Gibson Dunn Partners Recognized in Expert Guides’ Women in Business Law

Accolades  |  September 22, 2020

Expert Guides

Expert Guides has named 13 Gibson Dunn partners to its 2020 Guide to the World’s Leading Women in Business Law, which recognizes top female legal practitioners advising on business law. Selection to this guide is determined by a survey of fellow legal practitioners. The Gibson Dunn partners included in the guide are Hong Kong partners Kelly Austin and Patricia Tan Openshaw, London partners Anna Howell and Penny Madden, Los Angeles partners Jennifer Bellah Maguire, Catherine Conway, Ruth Fisher and Amy Forbes, New York partners Barbara Becker, Lauren Elliot and Jane Love, San Francisco partner Mary Murphy and Washington, D.C. partner Judith Alison Lee. The guide was published on September 7, 2020.