Webcast: Schrems II: What are the implications and viable options for international data transfers?

August 7, 2020

On July 16, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union struck down as legally invalid the U.S.-EU Privacy Shield but ruled that the “Standard Contractual Clauses”(“SCCs”) approved by the European Commission, another mechanism many companies use to justify such transfers, remain valid with some caveats. The Court’s decision will force companies on both sides of the Atlantic and globally to reassess their data transfer mechanisms, as well as the locations in which they store personal data.

Our international privacy group from the EU, the US and Asia shares its analysis of the Court ruling and its recommendations in light of the initial guidance issued by the European Data Protection Board and National Supervisory Authorities in the EU.


Our in-depth discussion of cutting-edge issues will be moderated by global co-Chairs of Gibson Dunn’s Privacy, Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection group, Alexander H. Southwell and Ahmed Baladi

Ahmed Baladi – Partner, Paris
Patrick Doris – Partner, London
Cassandra L. Gaedt-Sheckter – Associate Attorney, Palo Alto
Kai Gesing – Of Counsel, Munich
Alejandro Guerrero – Of Counsel, Brussels
Connell O’Neill – Partner, Hong Kong
Clémence Pugnet – Associate Attorney, Paris
Alexander H. Southwell – Partner, New York