11 Partners Recognized in Who’s Who Legal 2020 Investigations

Accolades  |  March 25, 2020

Who’s Who Legal

Who’s Who Legal recognized 11 Gibson Dunn attorneys in the 2020 Investigations guide. Hong Kong Partner Kelly Austin and Washington, D.C. partners Richard Grime and Joseph Warin were named Global Elite Thought Leaders. Los Angeles partner Debra Wong Yang, New York partners Reed Brodsky and Alexander Southwell, and San Francisco partners Winston Chan and Charles Stevens were recommended in the guide. Washington, D.C. partners John Chesley, Daniel Chung and Michael Diamant were named Future Leaders. The guide was published March 13, 2020.

The White Collar Defense and Investigations practice group includes numerous former U.S. federal and state prosecutors and officials, many of whom served at high levels within the U.S. Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other key investigative and prosecutorial arms of the government.